Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 3 - Day 1

Welcome to Week 3!

Day 1
  • Pray - Invite God into your study time. Ask Him to illuminate His truths and bless the reading of His Word. Pray for a quiet mind and heart as you study.
  • Read 1 Peter 3 - Today is our preview day. We are looking for clues, making connections to chapter 1 and 2, searching for the author's purpose in writing the text. Note your first impressions and wonderings.
  • Read 1 Peter 3 again. - This time, choose a different translation (i.e. The Message paraphrase). Make sure that your mind is really engaging the text. Read the passage aloud if it helps you to jump into it.
  • Apply - What stood out to you today? Did you notice any patterns or overarching principles? Did you identify any areas for further study? What do you want to go back and take a closer look at?
  • Comment - Let us know what happened during your study time!


  1. I'm due with our first child in about a month. It seems that through this study, God is preparing me for that new role. Whether it be directions for a wife, lessons on patience and kindness, or craving pure spiritual milk, these are all things that will shape me as a mother and a follower of Christ.
    I've been praying for months that He would provide a way for me to quit my job so that my baby won't have to go to daycare. It seemed like I was getting nowhere, but it has kept coming to mind throughout this study, and at the same time, things are starting to move in my life that may impact that. I'm excited to see how God moves in this, and what I learn in all of it! To God be the glory!

  2. I think the overall purpose in this text is the importance of Godly living in every area of our lives. The part that stands out to me are the first 6 verses that talk about being a submissive wife. (And isn't it funny that there is only one verse for men?) Am I truly a submissive wife? Am I more worried about outward appearances than inward purity? Am I seeking after peace (reaccuring theme here)? There are a lot of questions that I need to answer, and most likely some major adjustments that I will need to make, with God's help, as we study this chapter.

  3. Vs 9 got me thinking... "don't repay eveil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead pay them back with a blessing."

    It is one thing to pay someone back with a blessing "openly" even after they have been speaking unkindly about me but what about when I am home at night with my husband and I want to share with him the news. Am I speaking kindly about the person? Do I have love and grace in my voice as I "vent" aka gossip about them? As I thought about this, it challenged me to bless them immediately, not only after time has gone by to cool off. Bless them in private with my words about them and my prayers lifted up on their behalf. Again, the sincerity of our love for others is shown in these moments.

  4. I realize I am posting late...I got way off-track this week as the kids went back to school and I went back to work, but now down to business!
    It was v. 4 that struck a cord with me: simply "gentle and peaceful spirit." I think I could camp out on that phrase and study just that for a week! Its so easy to feel harried and stressed which in turn makes me not-so-gentle...I am to carry God's grace, His peace, His gentleness, His quietness with me everywhere and in every situation.
    I know there is much more in this chapter; I can't wait to see what else He reveals to me!
