Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 2 - Day 5

Can you believe that we are closing in on another week of study in 1 Peter? My, how the Lord has changed me, challenged me, and charged me with new new things as I've submitted myself to this study. I love how He never ceases to use His word in our lives, if only we take the time to submit our efforts to Him.

Verla, thank you so much for being vulnerable to the Spirit to know that the Lord is prompting action in your life. What a step of faith! I will be praying for God's hand upon you as you fulfill this calling.

Julie, I love your insight about being "built up", not instantly fixed. What a wonderful concept to know that God isn't through with us. Rather, He is just beginning His work.

Thanks, Ladies!

Let me encourage you to stay the course. You are establishing life-altering habits that will most assuredly impact your existence for Christ.

Join with me, as we devote ourselves to the study of 1 Peter 2.

Day 5
  • Pray - Thank God for 1 Peter 2, and for the lessons that we've learned this week. Ask Him to use His Word in a real way today. Seek His guidance for applying it in a life-changing way.
  • Read 1 Peter 2 with a sense of accomplishment. You have conquered this passage and taken the time necessary to allow it to affect your life. That's what discipleship is all about! Good job!
    • Based on your study of 1 Peter 2, what is God prompting you to do? Make a list of actions (activities) that you feel the Lord has put on your heart. Is he calling you to make a change in your attitude, behavior, emotions, relationships, job, roles, church, social obligations? Seek God's wisdom and understanding as you consider His purposes in your life.
    • Remember, this is where the rubber meets the road. It's one thing to know something, but an entirely different feat to actually do it!
  • Comment - Tell us how your life will change as a result of 1 Peter 2.

Let's yield our lives to His ultimate control!


  1. I'd say the biggest "change" in my attitude as a result of 1 Peter 2, would have to be that with my Mom and my sister. My relationship with them can be so challenging at times and the Lord has encouraged me by vs 17 to honor all people. Not all the ones who seem so "honorable" but to ALL people out of fear and reverence for the Lord. I have purposed to love them more openly and proactively the past few days and wow, what a difference it has made in my heart. As shallow as it is, it can be so tempting for me and down right easy really, to just give up on challenging relationships and "move on" so-to-speak. Like you have shared, I want to only surround myself with those who will encourage my heart and goals in life. I have found it a challenge to balance out that "boundary" because while I know it is a healthy one to have, it can also give me a feeling that I have a license to not be as loving to those people as I would to those who support, encourgae and edify my heart. It's a selfish way to love really. I know there's wisdom in not allowing others to influence you negatively and in being selective in whom you share your heart with, but the Biblical definition of love is "pro-active." Hmmm. That is a hard one for me to balance and an area I really want the Lord to help me conquer daily. Afterall, it is in those challenging relationships where I know my true heart is revealed and the real level of my submission to His spirit is evident.
    "Oh thank you Father for Your faithfulness to show this to me through Your Word."

  2. "Afterall, it is in those challenging relationships where I know my true heart is revealed and the real level of my submission to His spirit is evident."

    Julie-CA - I have been praying about a particular relationship that I must face every day. Not by choice, but because of work, I am around this person every day. Just last week, I said, "Lord, please help me. I honestly just don't know how to respond to this person. Their very presence sets me on edge." When I read your words, I realized that through this person I am able to trust trust the Lord to "reveal my true heart and submission to His Spirit". "Thank you, Lord, for using Julie and Your Word as my reminder that as our Creator, YOU are present in every person. Help me to see them through the eyes of Jesus and 1 Peter 2:17 today."

  3. I think it is awesome how I have been challenged just as much by everyone's comments about their readings as I have my personal time reading. I have missed the sweet fellowship that comes with engaging in a group Bible study over the course of this last year (post baby) and the Lord has really reminded me over the last few weeks how important that fellowship is.

    As I finished up 1 Peter 2, I was reminded of a quote that I read a few weeks ago that God has been bringing to my mind over and over again. It said, "We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions." This has been so convicting for me and helped me to realize that it is not good enough to just listen to what it is that He wants me to do...I have to actually do it and follow through for it to count. He has also shown me areas where I have been lacking in showing grace to others in situations where their intentions may not line up with their behavior.

    Such simple truths that I know in my head but the Lord keeps having to remind me of (apparently I still need work in those areas!!).
