Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 3 - Day 2

I just have a quick second to post today's reading. You all continue to amaze me with your insights and understandings. This first week back to school is a rough one, so bear with me as I try to keep us going in the midst of such busyness!

Day 2

  • Pray - Invite the Lord into your time of personal study and reflection.
  • Read 1 Peter 3 - Read slowly to ensure a thorough reading and thoughtful consideration
  • Reread 1 Peter 3:1-7 - Look for specific instructions to wives and husbands. What are some characteristics of godly wives? Godly husbands?
  • Apply - How do these characteristics strike you? Do you feel encouraged? Convicted? Challenged? What can you do with these instructions?
  • Comment - Let us know how you plan to put this new information into your life.
Enjoy your study time, y'all! I can't wait for the moment when life slows down enough for me to share with you all of the insights the Lord is giving me. What a mighty God we serve!


  1. Two things stuck with me concerning the instructions to husbands and wives:

    1. Wives are not to be fearful of their husbands. Submission is not about intimidation or manipulation.

    2. Evidently, how a man treats his wife affects his prayer life. That's a big one, isn't it? It shows how serious the instructions are regarding how we treat one another in the marriage relationship.

  2. When I read this, I am so encouraged. God's Word is full of encouragement in areas where the words is anything but that. I love the command and priveledge to show my love for my husband openly through my trust and admiration for his God-given role as the leader in our home. I am thankful for it. Trusting him is a safe place and one that brings great security and peace. This is not natural for me but as I've walked with the Lord, He has not only given me a willingness to accept His roles in a Godly home, but a deep, deep appreciation for them. It is a blessing to have a husband leading me through this life, not a curse/loss of independence as the world seems to say. Nothing about our Christian life is independent. To even come to Christ, we MUST be a DEPENDENT people, dependent on Christ alone for first, our sanctification, and then following that, our purification. It is then in that purification process that I have found it to be easier and more and more exciting to submit my trust my heavenly father, who has called me to submit my trust to my precious husband. I can honestly say, there is no other thing that makes me feel more beautiful, then when I support, encourage and trust him, as I know he is trusting HIM. Ahhh, the harmony of a Godly marriage contains beauty beyond words. A beauty only the sanctified can abtain and a beauty only the purified can appreciate. Oh how thankful I am for His work in my heart.
