Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 5 - Day 4

As I was making my way through 1 Peter 5:10, my mind paused on the second part.

"...So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." [NLT]

These three specific actions prompted me to seek definitions.

  • restore - return to life; putting together what is torn or broken; bring back into original existence, use, function or position

  • support - bearing the weight of; provides a foundation; aiding the cause of

  • strengthen - give a healthy elasticity to

  • elasticity - ability to return to original shape after being stretched or compressed

So, then I sought an alternate translation.

"...will himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen and settle you." [Amplified version]

I came away with a deeper concept of Christ.
After suffering (which is purposed for my purification), God will return me to life, aiding my cause by building a foundation for me, and allow me to return to His shape after undergoing much stretching and compressing. He will lay the ground work for His complete work in me, which is to fix me firmly on His truths.

These verses provided much sincere encouragement for me today. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Week 5 - Day 4
  • Pray
  • Read 1 Peter 5
  • Reread 1 Peter 5:12-13 - Choose a new version.
  • Apply - What thoughts or ideas do you have upon the completion of this book? Do you think there was any significance in the way Peter ended his letter?
  • Comment - Are you feeling transformation in your life? Have you been able to stick with a daily study plan?
Thank you for your commitment to study with me. I'm better for it.

1 comment:

  1. As far as any significance to the way Peter ended his letter... from a practical stand point, Peter acknowledged Silas in vs. 12 because he was one of the men who was chosen to deliver Peters letter. It seems like Peter wanted to reassure the people that they were in fact recieving a letter from him, through a trust worthy source.

    For the most part, I have been able to maintain a daily study plan throughout all this. It has been my goal to do it immediately after my husband leaves for work and before my son wakes up or as soon as my son takes his afternoon nap. I have really enjoyed doing this study esp. in the mornings. I have loved starting my days off having been prompted by you Linsey to dive deeper into God's truths in the book of Peter. I've enjoyed the anticipation of what others have commented as well. Thank you so much Lindsey for your diligence to do lead this. I have been challenged, encouraged and now motivated to always be a part of an online Bible study which before, I had never done. So thank you for your commitment to study with me as well. I too am better for it in more ways then one.
