Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Grand Finale!

I can't even believe that we made it all the way through 1 Peter. Those 5 weeks just flew by! I hope that you're feeling more equipped with some practical methods for studying the Bible.

Let's wrap up with the final day's assignment.

  • Pray - Praise God for a time of sweet Bible study.
  • Read 1 Peter. The whole book. Do you not have an enormous sense of ownership of these verses? You've read them, meditated on them, prayed over them, and now they are yours. They are hidden in your heart and mind, and you will recall them regularly. I have no doubt.
  • Share - What is the biggest lesson you take away from this experience?
I'm going to spend some time praying about what God would lead me to do next in this Bible study. I don't feel comfortable just jumping right into another book. I think we all need a break from this format of study to pray and debrief and process. Leave a comment to let me know of any ideas you might have.

Thank you for sharing this experience with me!


  1. I plan to read the book once more through tomorrow morning before my son wakes up or during his afternoon nap and then I'll try to pinpoint the biggest lesson I've taken away from this. I am going to spend sometime praying for you with your decision of where to go from here and let you know if I have anything come to mind too.

  2. I want to thank you again for doing this. I don't know that my "biggest lesson" came directly from the text in 1 Peter, but my eyes were opened to how badly Satan does NOT want me studying the Word of God. The number of little and big things that came up during this study is actually amusing. When Peter talks about our suffering, I had to laugh - not out of hilarity but out of acknowledgment that we are in a very real spiritual battle. The devil wants nothing more than for me to become so busy with life that I forget Who gives me that gift each day.

    I have purposed in my heart to continue with a study of some sort, I may even read through and meditate on 1 Peter again. When I read it through again today, I realized how some of the biggie truths still hadn't sunk quite deep enough for my liking. I want it so "in me" that it oozes out whether I realize it or not!
    Beth :)

  3. After reading the book of Peter through again, I realized how crucial it is I keep studying as a habit. I like the accountability of an online Bible study. I think it would be neat for you to do 2 Peter now that first has been done. That's what came to my mind anyways. I know you are busier now then during summer days but I don't think you should stop doing Bible studies of somesort. If you decide not to lead one for now, I think you should definately get into one that someone else is leading asap. That accountability and challenge will help you stay discipined to remain in His Word.
    Thanks again for the opportunity to examine 1 Peter in a deeper way.

  4. My other suggestion is the book of Galations.

  5. Okay, I have one more suggestion and am only giving it because you asked... the book of Matthew. If I on't do this study with you and other faithfuls here on pleasant drive, I think I am going to buy a workbook to the book of matthew and study it solo or find it online somewhere. The word Matthew has been on my mind so much lately and I think it has been the Lord prompting me to read and study it. I've been praying for his help in some areas and it seems the book of Matthew addresses in particular some areas I'm really seeking Him right now.
    Anyways. Just a thought to pass on since you asked. The Lord will show you what is right. =)
