Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 4 - Day 2

1 Peter 4 will humble a person right up, won't it? I loved the recurring theme of suffering. I went away thinking, "It's not about me. It's not about my happiness. It's not about fun. It's all about Christ and His holiness IN me."

To me, that was the main thing. Love deeply in times of suffering. Show hospitality in times of suffering. Use your gifts and talents in times of suffering. Because, ultimately, those things bring glory to God.

So, today, we're going to go back and take a closer look.

Week 4 - Day 2

  • Pray - Make sure that God is your focus.
  • Read 1 Peter 4 -
  • Go back and read 1 Peter 4:1-6 - If I were you, I'd make 2 columns: Pagans and Christians. Then, make a list of Christian understandings and behaviors and one of pagan understandings and behaviors.
  • Apply - Look closely at the two lists. Think about which one best describes your behaviors and attitudes. Do you relate most to Christians or pagans? Be honest with yourself.
  • Comment - What can you take from today's reading?
Let's allow the Word of the Living God penetrate our minds and change our lives.


  1. I read. I made my lists. I pondered. And, I just couldn't get away from the phrase "flood of dissipation". So, out came the Zhodiates and research of the word dissipation. Those who plunge into a flood of dissipation have lives marked by the following: self-indulgence, extravagant squandering, seeking gratification, spending and using up wastefully and foolishly. He or she is one who "slides easily under the influence of flatterers and the temptations with which he has surrounded himself and spends freely on his own lusts and appetites".

    I am being forced to look at several areas of my life in light of these findings: finances, food, time, talents.

    I guess I will get another cup of coffee to go with this big chunk of conviction!

  2. "Living by the Flesh/Sin" vs. "Living for the Will of God". It's so easy to look at the behaviors described of nonbelievers and become self-righteous. Well, I'm not doing those things! But when I study the list of a sold-out Christ follower, I have to ask myself if those behaviors represent me as well. "Willing and prepared to do God's will, even if it produces suffering", "so focused on Christ that sin loses its power over me", "living for the will of God". On a daily basis, am I seeking His will, His direction? Am I focused on Him and am I willing to suffer as He did?

    I'm praying the Lord will continue to show me how to walk by the Spirit and seek His will above all else.
