Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 3 - Day 5

I loved the way The Message paraphrased our reading for today.

1 Peter 3: 13-16 (The Message Paraphrase) "If with heart and soul you're doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you're still better off. Don't give the opposition a second thought. Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy. Keep a clear conscience before God so that when people throw mud at you, none of it will stick. They'll end up realizing that they're the ones who need a bath."

Did you catch those directives?
- "Don't give the opposition a second thought."
- "Keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master."
- "Be ready to speak up and tell ANYONE who asks why you're living the way you

In a world that can be extremely overwhelming, these words help me to prioritize. They remind me of what's important. Everything else is fleeting.

Let's wrap up Chapter 3 today.

  • Pray - Is it not incredible that we can invite the God of the Universe to bless our time? What an extraordinary thing!
  • Read 1 Peter 3 - Really take the time to focus on the words today. Remember, today we should be feeling as if these words have made their way into our hearts. We should "own" them.
  • Apply - This is the action step. Take a minute to ask God what He is prompting you to do in reply to His truth in 1 Peter 3. Is He guiding you to make a change? In your heart, your mind, your actions, your attitudes, your lifestyle, your relationships?
  • Comment - Let us help you stay accountable to Christ. Share your application step with us. (Only if you feel comfortable.)
Enjoy Him today.


  1. There's a lot that I feel challenged and encouraged by in this chapter. This was a great chapter for lingering and examining my heart. Time to rise to the challenges 1 Peter 3 lays out.

  2. My work definitely needs to come in my marriage. As a teacher I think I often treat my husband like he is one of my students. I know that I owe him more respect than that as a man and my husband. I also am working toward having a quiet and gentle spirit.

  3. The area that God is speaking to me in is verse 9. I need to watch how I react when I feel I (or those I love) am/are mistreated. I am to respond with blessing. The Amplified version says to pray for their welfare, happiness and protection, pitying and loving them. MY blessing is conditional on how I respond to them. I need to be more gracious in this area.
