Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 2 - Day 3

Verla, Kathryn, Rachel, Amy, and Terry - thank you SO much for your wonderful insights! Thank you for allowing us to see your hearts. I think we all felt so challenged by the command to crave pure spiritual milk. Do we possess this insatiable hunger for God in our lives? I'm afraid that I fall short on many days. Thankfully, God is always willing and eager to shower us with His truth when we will only

Day 3

  • Pray - Make sure that your mind and heart are clear before you begin your time with the Lord. Give Him your all, and ask Him to bless your time.
  • Read 1 Peter 2 - Remember, the whole point of reading the whole chapter is to gain our footing and get some context. We want to know where we are headed. Choose a different translation (try The Amplified Version).
  • Reread 1 Peter 2:4-12 - Okay, as I read, I'm always looking for recurring ideas and concepts. What do you see as being the most important thing in this passage? Is there a main idea? Today, I'm noticing a stark contrast between the chosen people of God and the pagan people. Maybe you could use your time to compare and contrast these two groups. What are the promises for the chosen ones? What about those who reject Christ?
  • Apply - What sort of action is the Lord prompting in you as you read this passage? How is this text going to show up in your daily living. This apply step makes sure that we aren't compartmentalizing God. We don't want to allow Him 30 minutes in the morning and then reject Him the rest of the day. We are striving to allow Him to change our lives - every single inch of them - based on our focused reading of His Word.
  • Comment - If you are a brave soul, let us know what God is saying to you today. Remember, we aren't here to judge, but to learn, and to be challenged. We are an accepting group around here :)
Happy Hunting for God's Truths!


  1. Verse 12 really convicts me. I have to ask myself how often do I actually live a life that is so good that my good deeds will cause others to glorify God. If I'm fitting in with this world then I'm not serving God. Bottom line.

  2. Hi Lindsey! Hey, we got a table a few days ago! Something about it just calls me to it with my Bible constantly. I am sorry I haven't been in on the study. I have read through the book but have not yet done anything else. I am so ashamed of this and thankful for the Lord's conviction and drawing on my spirit to prioritize my time. I just sat down to go over "week at a glance" and looked on the monitor and saw my little Noah is up... Sooo... I plan to do this and really dive in during his afternoon nap today. I will comment and let you know what all I find out about the Lord and myself as I do! I am excited and again, so thankful for this opportunity to study with you.

  3. I think many believers view the Christian life more from the standpoint of spiritual duty rather than spiritual privilege. The regenerate understands there are sacrifices and costs involved in living the Christian life. I am so thankful my regeneration produces a new disposition with holy longings instead of fleshly lusts...(although as believers we must battle them daily), I am thankful that I am an alien (living in a country not my own), but will live in the presence of my Redeemer!

  4. I'm so glad I was able to spend time studying this and taking notes during Noah's nap. Such a gift we have to have our Bible's and safe little homes to sit and basque in His word. We are so blessed.
